That Is A Goldeye! Not a Mooney. Not a Skipjack.

That is Not A Skipjack. That Is Not a Mooneye

When I was a kid fishing the river with my dad we would catch goldeye and my dad would call them skipjacks. Now I know better, but unfortunately this misidentification still persist. I can’t count how many times I have tried to convince people on the river bank that what they caught was a goldeye and not a skipjack. It has even got to the point where the person implied that I was an idiot for calling them goldeye. I now have this same conversation on social media when someone is trying to identify what they caught out the creek. Many people chime in and incorrectly label the fish as a skipjack, mooneye or a gizzard shad. I grew weary of trying to correct them in a civil manner, so I sat down and wrote this blog. – Goldeye

I borrowed this image from – Goldeye and I fully give them credit. I will try to contact the owner to get the proper permission

Skip Jack Vs Goldeye

Outdoor Nebraska: Goldeye Vs Mooneye

Often Mistakenly Called Skipjack

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